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The mobile application for Employees offers a wide range of opportunities for interaction between Employees and the HR/Payroll Department. In addition to the modern aspect of the image conveyed by the Company to its Employees, it simplifies and makes more reliable the many flows necessary for the calculation of Payroll (EDF, requests for leave, illness, change of address, change of bank, etc.) but also the access to the Employee (historical pay slips, data held by the Company...).

Employees never interact directly with the System; they only make requests that are then validated (or not) by the people with the associated rights (Manager, Payroll Manager...) through the mobile application or the System.

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The recovery of pay slip history is only mandatory for a maximum period of 12 months : in order to have the exact calculation elements for PAYE deductions and/or the calculation of the 13th month (bonus), the introduction of previous pay slips may be necessary.

However, you may wish to introduce previous years' payslips into Payroll Mauritius in order to keep track of them.

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As an Administrator, you can open access on Payroll Mauritius to other people. These do not need to be created as an Employee in the System.
You will be able to define their rights by opening only the accesses to the parts of the software you want (the unopened accesses for a person, will consist in hiding for him the functional ones not authorized in the System).

Note that « normal » (ie. not involved in Payroll process) Employees do not have to access the System. If you want to give them access to interact with the System, you must give them access via the Payroll Mauritius Employee Mobile Application Staff Connect (FAQEN101 - How to implement the mobile application for Employees).

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Access in Payroll Mauritius, the online invoices corresponding to the payments made.

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Access the bank account used to pay Payroll Mauritius subscription invoices, and modify it to use another bank account - or other bank - for payment, and generate a standard letter to be sent to the Bank to implement a new automatic monthly standing order.

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Access the elements of your Company that you used when subscribing to Payroll Mauritius and that is the one invoiced by Payroll Mauritius, to modify all or part of them.
Notice: if you want to use Payroll Mauritius for another company, you need to have a new susbcription

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Before your first use of Payroll Mauritius (but also later, if you want to update one or more parameters for a group or for all Employees) you have the possibility to import into Payroll Mauritius an Excel®, Open Office® or CSV spreadsheet containing your Employees' personal data in order to avoid creating (or updating) them one by one manually.

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The Mauritian government authorities in charge of collecting taxes (MRA) and social contributions (NPF, NSF and LEVY) are asking companies to report these elements electronically. The MNS system is still in use but is no longer the only system that can be used. PACO implemented by the MRA online replaces it advantageously (and free of charge) with a format that provides in a single file both the filing with the MRA and at the same time with the NPF/NSF.

Payroll Mauritius generates MNS file but also this PACO file automatically.

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In order to simplify the entry of the variable elements of the monthly payroll for Employees, use a configurable column in the Time Sheets, so that you can enter the variable elements of your choice (bonus...) in it and make it a payroll section automatically fed in the Payslip.

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In order to automate a calculation for one or all Employees, how to create a payroll section that will be systematically automatically updated in the salary payslip every month.

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For some Employees, the amount of the basic salary is denominated in foreign currencies for an amount fixed by contract. Payroll Mauritius is able to manage such situations thanks to integrated currency management. The salary expressed in foreign currencies will always be calculated in Mauritian rupees (MUR) for PAYE and NPS/NSF payment purposes, then said salary will fluctuate according to the exchange rate.

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In order to automate a calculation for a group of Employees, how to create a payroll section that will be systematically automatically updated in the pay slip every month for the Employees concerned.

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Payroll Mauritius allows you to manage the time sheets (absence/attendance days) of Employees. You can also, if desired, manually add the overtime hours worked to them in order to automatically integrate them into the Payroll Statement, as additional payments, either by using the standard rules or by modifying them to include your own rules.

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Payroll Mauritius allows you to manage the time sheets (absence/attendance days) of Employees. We have seen (see prerequisites) how to manage any overtime by adding it manually. You can also, if desired, manage the hours worked in order to automatically calculate lateness and overtime, which will then also be automatically included in the Payslip, as additional payments or deductions or as a credit for recoverable hours.

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When employee absences/attendances are managed in an external system and it is not possible to manage this in Payroll Mauritius, it is possible to integrate these elements into the Payroll Mauritius Timesheets via an import in Excel® or CSV format.

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The Payroll Mauritius subscriber has super user rights allowing him/her unrestricted access to the data held, as well as the ability to create access to other people with possible administrator rights. Therefore, protecting this access becomes an important key element of the overall security of the system in order to secure payroll data.

For this purpose, Payroll Mauritius has the possibility to set up a two-factor authentication, which must be activated on this account

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According the Workers' Right Act for basic wages under Rs 100,000 or the End of Year Gratuity Act 2001 for basic wages above Rs 100,000, the calculation of the end-of-year bonus (13th month) is calculated in December or during the year for an Employee leaving the company as soon as he has completed at least 8 months' service in the calendar year. It includes basic salaries, overtime over the calendar year, but also any sum of money by whatever name called, including commission and any productivity payment, paid to a worker, in respect of any work performed by him, in addition to the basic wages agreed upon between him and the employer and any allowance paid under any Remuneration Regulations or Wages Regulations.
Payroll Mauritius already has an automatic calculation for this EOYB (End Of Year Bonus) calculation, which includes all premiums paid.

However, it is up to you to possibly adjust this calculation to add/exclude any bonuses that may not be related in your Company and that only you can arbitrate.
(Updated: 10/12/2019)

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The lives of your employees can make them need compensation on their monthly salary in advance, and you may be able to pay them a down payment on their salary. Payroll Mauritius makes it very easy to manage this point, either on an ad hoc basis or systematically according to your habits and the company's policy towards your employees.

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Some payroll elements are sometimes successive cumulations, it is useful to have a variable that is used to store an amount that auto-increments from one month to the next.
This variable can then be used to be included in a calculation (payment of a bonus, pension or travel fund, etc.).

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In some cases, a bonus (or access to a pension plan for example) may be paid depending on the length of time the Employee has been with the company.

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If you have given a bonus to an Employee (being within the taxable threshold after deduction of his/her EIT) but have failed to make it subject to tax (PAYE), an adjustment is necessary as the Employee is liable to this tax and the cumulative taxable total being in fact erroneous, will alter the calculation of the amount withheld PAYE in Payroll Mauritius.

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In standard, Payroll Mauritius is set up so that the Calendars defined as the normal hours for an Employee, do not consider an early departure (end of day) as a deduction.

However, you may want such a departure to be automatically considered as a lack of work done by the Employee and appear as a lateness.

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Annually and as from January, the Government of Mauritius, following the recommendation of the National Wage Consultative Council, gives the minimum annual increase in the fixed salary of the Employees, as salary compensation for the increase in the cost of living.

For example, for the year 2024, the increase for employees present on 1 January is + Rs 1,500 for monthly salaries up to and including Rs 15,000 and + Rs 2,000 for salaries up to and including Rs 20,000, and +10% for salaries between 15,000 and 20,000.

Note: This increase is not automatically implemented by Payroll Mauritius as it is up to you to decide if you wish to give a higher increase per Employee. In this case, you will have to modify the Basic Salary by Employee by going to their Employee file, tab " Payroll Sections ", by Employee, indicating the desired amount.

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At any time, you can increase an Employee's basic salary. This increase will then be taken into account as from the pay period in which you have carried out the increase.

However, by modifying the basic salary, even if it is historically recorded for the previous closed periods, you may want to show this increase to the Employee on his Payroll Statement in order to formalize it.

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The Mauritian law says that a new Employee has the right to one day sick leave and one day local leave after 6 months of services without any absence. However, if he takes a leave (sick or local), he loses this right.

Payroll Mauritius is set up as standard so that if an Employee is given a local day in advance, not only will it be deducted from his monthly salary, but he will lose the automatic allocation mechanism of +1 day (sick and local leave) as from the 6th month.

The solution is as follows: A new type of leave should be created, e.g. "Early Leave", which will not impact the system on the automatic allocation from the 6th month onwards.

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Payroll data is by nature very sensitive data and should not be exposed.
To this end, over and above all the security mechanisms put in place by Payroll Mauritius, all users of the System should ensure that their access is protected to the best of their ability (Recommendation No. DAT-NT-001/ANSSI/SDE/NP) so as not to create a vulnerability on the information system as a whole (and not only on their workstation).

The major risk to an intrusion most often lies in exposing the password or choosing a password that is too "simplistic" and needs to be made more robust (i.e. difficult to retrieve using automated tools and difficult for a third party to guess).

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The pay period in Payroll Mauritius allows you to get a day of the month for which holiday and overtime calculations are stopped.
By default, Payroll Mauritius allows you to obtain fixed duration pay periods by simply specifying the day in the desired month (for example the 23rd of each month).

However, you may want this pay period to be the last day of the calendar month concerned, which implies a period end date that changes depending on the month (31, 30 or 28).

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The Workers' Rights Act 2019 by its note 39 of 2020 enacts the terms as to the obligation for Mauritian companies to provide a mandatory pension plan for its Employees (the PRGF) as from 1st January 2020. However, the Cabinet has decided on a memorandum until January 2022.

If you already contribute to a pension fund for Employees whose characteristics are at least equivalent to the prerequisites laid down and approved by the MRA, you do not need to contribute to the PRGF. In any other case, you must contribute to the PRGF.

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Occasional and exceptional events (lock down) may make it necessary to disregard certain payroll sections for one (or several) months (such as for example the payment of transport) which are however parameterized in Payroll Mauritius, for all or part of the Employees.

The solution would then be to switch to each of the common payroll sections concerned, and to put a start and end date on these sections. However, if these sections are not common but specific to each Employee, it would then be appropriate to carry out this action of demarcation by date for each of the Employees concerned, and... do the reverse when you wish to put these sections back into action.

As soon as the number of Employees becomes important, this work is consequent and not without source of data entry errors.

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Your Company's activity may make it increasingly common for Employees to use mobility (or teleworking).
Therefore, the implementation of a time clocking system becomes an essential element of time and payroll management for these Employees.
However, since these Employees are not on the premises, they cannot use any time clocking systems that may have been set up.

Payroll Mauritius has a solution thanks to the (free) mobile application Staff Connect.

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Payroll Mauritius is always concerned about the security of your data and regularly conducts intrusion tests, denial of access and numerous technical tests performed by a certified third party.

The report of this test is available and does not present any security flaws with regard to the eligibility criteria studied.

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Expatriate foreign workers may work in your Company. To do so, it may be necessary in the employment contract negotiated with them that their remuneration be given in a currency other than the Mauritian Rupee and that the pay slip itself be denominated in a foreign currency (EUR, USD, GBP...). In addition, the payment must also be able to be made in foreign currency if desired.

Payroll Mauritius is able to make all these points automatically.

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Depending on your Company's practices, you may be required to give an annual increase in basic salary to Employees based on the number of years of seniority, such increase applying to the anniversary month of their joining the Company.

We will see how to apply this rule automatically in Payroll Mauritius so that you do not have to worry about it during the automatic monthly payroll calculations.

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As a Company employing Employees, at the end of each fiscal year (June 30), all Employees of the Company who are still present or who have left the Company or who have left during the said fiscal year must receive a Statement of Emoluments so that the Employees can finalize their PAYE tax returns and pay their taxes.

Payroll Mauritius generates the Statement of Emoluments automatically in the system due to the fact that each payroll section is automatically pre-assigned to an emolument type.

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The default setting of Payroll Mauritius is that the end date of the Payroll Period is the date on which absences (local, sick...) and overtime/lateness are stopped for the current month.
The other payroll sections (basic pay, bonuses, deductions, and so on) are calculated over the entire calendar month.

But you might want to make this pay period also the pay period for the wage components.

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The Solidarity Levy was decided in September 2020 in order to make employees (Mauritians and foreigners) with an annual income of more than 3 million rupees contribute in a complementary way.

The income considered is the sum of taxable salaried income and any dividends received from Mauritian companies.

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Since September 1st, 2020, the CSG (Contribution Sociale Generalisee) replaces the contribution to the NPF (National Pension Fund).

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The "Payroll Report" is the monthly payroll book. It is an important element of payroll management since it allows you to automatically generate a report of all the payroll sections that have been used for the current month.

It is possible to add additional fields to this report in order to have this and to be able to export it to a spreadsheet if necessary.

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The digital pay slip issued by Payroll Mauritius and given to the Employee is an important document which must be kept without time limit by the Employee.
In general, it is generated with the Company logo and letterhead but without any additional additions.

In order to further add to its official character, it is then possible to automatically affix your commercial stamp and/or your signature on each of the Payroll Bulletins generated by Payroll Mauritius.

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Some Employees contractually require to receive a NET amount excluding deductions of social charges (NSF, CSG...) and income tax (PAYE, Solidarity Levy...). Thus the Employee receives a fixed net amount that does not change from one month to the next.

Nevertheless, the said taxes are to be paid to the MRA / NSF every month, paid by the Company.

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The monthly payroll is established by combining fixed elements (basic salary, transport allowance, fixed bonus...) and elements that vary from one month to another (number of kilometers traveled for a mileage allowance, production work units allowing the establishment of a production bonus...).

It is already possible to create customizable fields in the Timesheets, allowing you to enter or import these elements and to use them in a payroll section that will calculate the result, but this requires you to indicate these in the Timesheets of each of the concerned Employees, for specific dates and not for the whole payroll period.

Payroll Mauritius allows you to create a simple input form (which can also be fed by importing a spreadsheet) without a specific date (but for the pay period) and for all employees on a single screen, thus facilitating the introduction of the variable elements of monthly pay variables into the system.

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By default, Payroll Mauritius allows you to export your time data from your timesheets to Excel®. Thus, if you have set them up, you will have the date, time of arrival, departure, overtime etc...
But what about any additional fields you have set up that you would like to retrieve (e.g. "Km per day" with the identifier "km" in the Timesheet Fields).

Payroll Mauritius allows you to change a system setting to include the fields you would like to have in this Excel export.

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Employees are able to enter their EDF online directly on the MRA website.

However, in order to ensure an accurate calculation of the PAYE tax, it is necessary to re-enter these EDF elements in Payroll Mauritius.

In order to avoid re-entering these elements manually, it is advisable to export the Employee EDF file from MRA website and re-import it in Payroll Mauritius.

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As an Employer, you have to decide at the end of the year what to do with the remaining (local) holidays not taken by the Employees: either pay them or carry them over to the next year.

Once chosen, it is necessary to perform these operations in Payroll Mauritius.
so that from January of the following year, the Employee can see his holidays updated in the System.

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Payroll Mauritius is contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions by reducing the power consumption of its application to limit the environmental footprint of its customers.

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Payroll Mauritius allows you to set up a Multiple choice (combobox) field in the Timesheet.

How could we specify a "default" value that would be set automatically every day?

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Payroll Mauritius issues monthly invoices for the provision of the service and can be dowload by the subscriber user only.

However, it is possible to give access to another third party (accountant,...) who will not have access to Payroll, but only to the invoice retrieval function,

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Payroll Mauritius offers the possibility for an administrator to delete one or more already calculated payslips of one or more Employees. However, a specific procedure must be followed.

First of all, this point should only be used as a last resort since the logic of the payroll is that, once issued, the calculation made should not be changed. Nevertheless, exceptional circumstances may call for such an operation.

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Payroll Mauritius automatically implements the official Mauritian public holidays for the current calendar year. This allows you to benefit from the embedded automatisms in case of work on these public holidays as well as, depending on your settings, adapted overtime payments.

But for some Employees, the holidays may, depending on their Employment Contract, be based on another jurisdiction (e.g. France) in order to meet the needs of the Company working with foreign customers.

Payroll Mauritius allows you to manage this easily.

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Payroll Mauritius has a set of APIs that allow you to retrieve information stored in the system for use in another system.

These informations are :
- The active list of employees
- The list of leaves
- The list of requests

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Payroll Mauritius APIs Documentation available .

Please read before FAQEN152 - How to use the APIs available from Payroll Mauritius to retrieve data to use in another system

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It may happen that all hours worked should be considered as overtime in order to pay a multiplier for all these hours (example: working on a public holiday, cyclone...).
Payroll Mauritius has the ability to automate this easily.

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It may be that a Director of the Company is not an employee of the Company, but may wish to access, for example, the leave approval of the local Director (or a department or all employees) using the Staff Connect mobile application (for Payroll Mauritius).

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The Staff Connect mobile application (for Payroll Mauritius) allows an Employee, Manager (team leader) to have the rights to validate leave taken by his team members.

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Following the new Budget Speach 2023-2024 about new PAYE calculation, the system has been setting up automatically in Payroll Mauritius.

You'll find details with how to update the new EDF data and calculate/validate PAYE for employees.

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Staff Connect is the application that allows you to give employees access to their payroll data. The main functions are timesheets, leave, payslips and the ability to make various requests. But there may be times when you need to share a document with an employee.

Payroll Mauritius is able to offer you this functionality, allowing you to publish a Payroll Mauritius document in Staff Connect.

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Payroll Mauritius allows you to create your own reports by choosing which columns to display. However, you may only need to extract the contents of one or more column(s) by filtering.

Payroll Mauritius allows you to do this thanks to its ability to manage Microsoft© Excel® formulas.

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Once a month's payroll has been calculated, Payroll Mauritius allows you to export a personalised report in CSV format compatible with Microsoft© Excel® so that you can have the Miscellaneous Transactions payroll accounting entries available for re-import into your own accounting software.

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The Mauritian government has adjusted the minimum remuneration for employees earning less than 50,000 rupees, in line with the level of qualifications required for the job.